Ontario is a safe place to live and work, but emergencies can happen anywhere and at anytime.

All municipalities and provincial ministries are required to have an emergency management program. The requirements for these programs are set out in the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act. Emergency Management Ontario supports municipalities and ministries in implementing their programs by providing them with advice, assistance, guidelines, training, and other tools.


Emergency planning for your community

Oxford 72 Hours logoThere are eight municipalities within Oxford County, each of which has responsibility for the extraordinary arrangements and measures that may need to be taken to safeguard property and the health, safety and welfare of residents when faced with a local emergency.

In the event of a larger-scale incident, the head of council (mayor) may decide to declare an emergency and assemble local officials at the municipal Emergency Operations Centre. This supports a coordinated and effective strategic response. 

During a community emergency, Oxford County's website will be updated to provide current information about the ongoing situation. Emergency information lines may also be activated during an emergency to provide information by telephone or recorded messages.

Do you know what your family would need for 72 hours in an emergency? 
In the event of an emergency, responders may be busy assisting those in immediate danger. Find out how you can prepare for a potential emergency at www.Oxford72Hours.ca 


Oxford County's Emergency Response Plan 

Emergency Plan 2018

Oxford County's Emergency Response Plan provides key officials, agencies and departments within the County with a guideline to the expected initial response to an emergency, as well as an overview of their responsibilities during an emergency. The plan is designed to:

  • protect and preserve life and property to the residents and visitors of Oxford County;
  • assist the Municipality in an emergency;
  • minimize the effects of the emergency on Oxford County; and,
  • restore essential services.

 Read the Oxford County Emergency Plan.


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