Strategic Plan, key policies and achievements

 Strategic Plan 2023-2026

Strategic Plan Cover imageStrategic Plan 2023-2026 

Oxford County Council approved the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan on September 13, 2023, laying out the goals and actions aimed at promoting community vitality, enhancing environmental sustainability, and fostering progressive government.

The updated Strategic Plan recommits to 100% renewable energy, zero waste and zero poverty, and adds “100% Housed” as a foundational commitment. The plan signals a strong social mandate, encompassing the goals of Safe and Well Oxford, the community safety and wellbeing plan adopted by all eight of Oxford’s municipalities, and a clear focus on the quality of how the County’s municipal services are delivered. Considering diversity, equity and inclusion in all decision-making and service delivery is also a key element of the plan.

Download the Strategic Plan  |  Watch the video

 Official Plan

Official Plan coverOfficial Plan

In Oxford, the Official Plan serves both the County and all eight area municipalities within Oxford County. The Official Plan is used to assess planning applications received by the County and area municipalities and helps to guide potential infrastructure and other municipal investment decisions.

See the Official Plan here

See other Community Planning studies and reports 

 2022 Facts & stats

Facts and stats page 12022 Facts & Stats

    - 2,895 residents and families helped through financial assistance and employment supports  
    - 19,232 paramedic call responses 
    - 10,015 visits to an EarlyON program or service 
    - 3,667,000 kWh of renewable energy generated 
    - 1,311 lane kms of County roads maintained  
    - 485 County and area municipal development applications processed

.... and much more. Learn more about Oxford County programs and services in the 2022 Facts & Stats. 

2022 Annual Report

2022 Annual Report

In 2022, Ontario was still moving towards “reopening” from the COVID-19 pandemic. The year focused on recovery of the local economy, building healthcare services, addressing the affordable housing shortage, and creating a diverse and inclusive Oxford. Also in 2022, a new County Council was inaugurated.  
2021 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report 2021 Annual report image of a masked woman carrying for an elderly person 

The pandemic was still with us in 2021, but Oxford County continued to deliver. The 2021 Annual Report offers stories about how we managed to keep essential services going during the pandemic, while still maintaining strong financial management. Read the full 2021 annual report online here. 



Public Works master plans, energy reports, zero waste and more

2024 Energy Management Plan 

Cover Energy Managemen PlanEnergy Management Plan

The Energy Management Plan works towards the County's 100% renewable energy goal through energy savings and reducing the carbon footprint of Oxford County as an organization.

Read the Energy Management Plan

Annual Energy Consumption & GHG Emissions Inventory

As required by O. Reg. 25/23 made under the Electricity Act, 1998, Oxford County is required to report annual energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. For printed form, please visit the Customer Service desk at the Oxford County Administration Building at 21 Reeve Street in Woodstock.

2020   2019   2018   2017   2016

Public Works Annual Reports
Public Works delivers

Public Works annual performance reports

Annual reports are submitted to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks to fulfill regulatory requirements of the Ontario Safe Water Drinking Act (water) and Environmental Compliance Approval (wastewater). Waste Management reporting is required to fulfill requirements of the Oxford County Waste Management Facility and Operations.

Drinking water annual reports (2023)  |  Drinking Water Quality Management System Update (2023)

Wastewater and biosolids annual reports (2023)

Waste management annual reports (2023)

Annual Transportation System Performance (2023) 

2023 Annual Energy Report

Energy-consumption-graphic-20232023 Annual Energy Report

The 2023 Annual Energy Report tracks Oxford County's progress across a number of operation-focused strategies to support the County’s 100% renewable energy goal and lower greenhouse gas emissions, including the Energy Management Plan, the Renewable Energy Action Plan, and the Green Fleet Plan

Read the full County Council report: PW 2024-17 - 2023 Annual Energy Report | Download the 2023 Corporate energy consumption graphic

2024 Water and Wastewater Master Plan

Cover of the Water and Wastewater Master Plan2024 Water and Wastewater Master Plan

The 2024 Water and Wastewater Master Plan sets out Oxford County's long-term water and wastewater approach to managing current servicing needs as well as accommodating future projected population and employment growth to the year of 2046.

2024 Water and Wastewater Master Plan

Appendix 1 - Part 1: Natural Environment Report 
Appendix 1 - Part 2: Natural Environment Report - Maps 
Appendix 2 - Part 1: Consultation Summary  
Appendix 2 - Part 2: Consultation Summary   
Appendix 3: Oxford County Policies    
Appendix 4: Population and Employment Calculations  
Appendix 5: Water Maps   
Appendix 6: Water Infrastructure Summary     
Appendix 7: Wastewater Maps    
Appendix 8: Wastewater Infrastructure Summary

2024 Transportation Master Plan

TMP Cover 2024 Transportation Master Plan

The 2024 Transportation Master Plan identifies the policies, programs and infrastructure improvements needed to manage both existing and future transportation demands to the year 2046. The Plan considers population and employment growth in the County; accommodation of future transportation conditions, as well as sustainable and multi-modal transportation solutions (e.g., promoting active transportation); and, specific needs of the County, including people and goods movement, along with agricultural mobility.

Download the 2024 Transportation Master Plan Final Report

Appendices (please check back) 

Renewable Energy Action Plan 2022-2032

Cover of Renewable Energy Action PlanRenewable Energy Action Plan, 2022-2032

On June 24, 2015, Oxford County Council unanimously committed to 100% renewable energy (RE) by 2050, detailed in the 100% Renewable Energy Plan for the community. The Renewable Energy Action Plan, approved by County Council on August 10, 2022, outlines a road map for how the County, as an organization, will contribute to the 100% RE community goal at its own facilities. The goals of this plan are to reduce energy dependence and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission sources, and increase renewable energy generation on property owned and operated by the Oxford County organization. While the 100% RE Plan is designed for the broader community, the County organization is an important part of that plan, not only as a contributor, but as a leader in demonstrating how it can achieve its own sustainability goals and share this knowledge with other organizations both within and outside of the County boundary.

Read the Renewable Energy Action Plan, 2022-2032

 Cycling Master Plan (2021)

Cover of Cycling Master PlanCycling Master Plan (2021)

The Cycling Master Plan was identified as part of the road network strategy in the 2019 Oxford County Transportation Master Plan. The Plan is intended to develop and advance actions to support cycling as a means of travel, recreation and exploration to residents and visitors of the area.

2021 Cycling Master Plan

Phase 1 Report | Phase 2 Report 

Cycling Master Plan - Appendix A, Engagement Summary

 Green Fleet Plan (2021-2025)

green fleet plan coverGreen Fleet Plan (2021-2025)

The Green Fleet Plan supports Oxford County's goal to achieve 100% Renewable Energy by 2050. Oxford County operates and maintains a corporate fleet of nearly 200 vehicles, including ambulances, light-duty vehicles, heavy-duty construction equipment, tractors, snowplows and more.

Read the 2021-2025 Green Fleet Plan

Managed Forest Plan (2018)

managed forest plan coverManaged Forest Plan 

The 20-year Managed Forest Plan is built around three primary objectives:

i) generating a sustainable supply of forest products and revenue from those products;
ii) managing forests to guard against flooding and erosion while protecting source water; and
iii) providing opportunities for recreation (partnerships) and wildlife habitat. 

Read the Managed Forest Plan     

2023 Managed Forest Plan Update

100% Renewable Energy Plan (2018)

RE Cover100% Renewable Energy Plan

The 100% Renewable Energy Plan is a roadmap to guide the County towards meeting its commitment to achieve 100% renewable energy by 2050. 

Read the 100% RE Plan

 Zero Waste Plan (2018)

zero waste coverZero Waste Plan

The Zero Waste Plan focuses on reducing the amount of waste being produced in, and exported out of, Oxford County by maximizing recovery efforts and extending the lifespan of the Oxford County Waste Management Facility. 

Read the Zero Waste Plan 

 Zero Waste Event Planning Guide (2017)

0 waste event plannerZero Waste Event Planning Guide

Yes, your event can be waste free! Download the Zero Waste Event Planning Guide for essential tips, helpful suggestions, and links to local resources to support your waste-reduction efforts. Whether you're planning a large public gathering or an intimate group of friends or colleagues, this guide will help you minimize waste, maximize recycling and rethink the status quo.

Read the Waste Event Planning Guide

 Waste Management Strategy (2014)

Waste Management Strategy

waste management truck with solar panels in back

The Waste Management Strategy is the County’s road map for reducing, handling and disposing of waste.

Read the Waste Management Strategy

 Draft Trails Master Plan (2014)

Draft Trails Master Plan

The Trails Master Plan sets out a framework for developing and maintaining the trail system in Oxford County over the next 20 years. The County works with area municipalities, service groups, and the Oxford County Trails Council to design and implement new trails in the system.

Read the Draft Trails Master Plan



 Oxford Natural Heritage Study (2006)

Oxford Natural Heritage Study

The Oxford Natural Heritage System Study identifies the County’s ecologically important natural heritage features and areas, and recommends measures to protect, restore and, where possible, improve the system and its component features and areas.

Read the Oxford Natural Heritage Study


Caring for vulnerable populations, community wellbeing, connected people and place

10-Year Shelter Plan: "Housing for all" - Housing and Homelessness Plan, 2024-2033

Housing for all plan10-Year Shelter Plan: "Housing for all"

Housing and Homelessness Plan, 2024-2033

Oxford County's 10-Year Shelter Plan: "Housing for all" offers a decision-making guide to address five critical areas of need in our community: supporting housing stability through collaboration; maintaining and improving the existing housing portfolio; increasing affordable and rental housing options; and advocating for increased investment. The plan outlines more than 30 actions and progress measures to track the impact over the next decade.

10-Year Shelter Plan: "Housing for all" | Housing and Homelessness Plan, 2024-2033

Master Housing Strategy (2022)

Cover of housing strategy documentMaster Housing Strategy (Dec 2022)

The Master Housing Strategy is intended to provide a comprehensive and outcome-based strategy for addressing housing needs throughout Oxford County. The strategy supports Oxford County’s 10-Year Shelter Plan, which sets objectives and targets to support the vision of affordable housing for all.

Master Housing Strategy (2022)

Council Report HS 2022-10 - Master Housing Strategy | Attachment 1


Five-Year Review of the 10-Year Shelter Plan (2021-2024)

10 Year Shelter Plan

Five-Year Review of the 10-Year Shelter Plan (2021-2024)

2023 Progress Report

2020 Progress Report


2019 Housing Forum: Solution Development Workshop Summary Report

2019 Housing Forum: Solution Development Workshop Summary Report

Housing Let’s Get Into It: Municipalities Building Solutions to the Housing Crisis brought together 200 municipal councillors, municipal senior staff, planners, housing providers, builders, economic development officers and health planners from across southwestern Ontario to hear expert speakers and collaborate on a solutions toolbox for small urban and rural communities. 

Read the 2019 Housing Forum

Draft Zero Poverty Plan (2018)

zero poverty cover imageDraft Zero Poverty Plan

Oxford County and its partners released the Draft Zero Poverty Plan in June 2018 to promote transformation and stakeholder engagement in working towards zero poverty. This work is continuing through the Reducing Poverty Together committee.

Calculating a Living Wage for Oxford County (Feb 2018)

Read the Draft Zero Poverty Plan


Oxford County Community Wellbeing Survey (2016)

wellbeing coverOxford County Community Wellbeing Survey

Oxford County’s community wellbeing survey was released in December 2016. Using the Canadian Index of Wellbeing as a barometer, survey results were used to help set targets in the Future Oxford Community Sustainability Plan with a focus on building high quality health care and social programs, improving access to education, developing intercommunity transportation, promoting volunteerism, increasing voter participation and more.

Read the Oxford County Community Wellbeing Survey


Strengthening economy, collaboration, service to municipal partners

2024 Development Charges Background Study

2024 Background Study2024 Development Charge Background Study

Oxford County's 2024 Development Charge Background Study was released April 12, 2024, with an Addendum posted on June 10, 2024 with the passing of Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act. 

The background study is the preparation for updating the County's development charges rates, by-laws and policy, which were passed by County Council on June 12, 2024.

Oxford County and its area municipalities collect development charges to pay for capital infrastructure that is required as a result of development within each community.  

Read the 2024 Development Charges Background Study

Read the Addendum
 Asset Management Plan (2024)

AMP CoverAsset Management Plan

Oxford County's 2024 Asset Management Plan supports provides a strategic framework for managing assets, aligning assets with service objectives, documenting core practices and procedures, and guiding the action and investment needed to meet key business goals. Visit the Asset Management site

Read the Asset Management Plan

2024 Water Financial Plan

Water Financial Plan cover2024 Water Financial Plan

Oxford County operates an amalgamated water system that serves 21 communities with approximately 36,762 connections across four groupings for financial accounting: Woodstock, Tillsonburg, Ingersoll and Townships. The Water Financial Plan is a requirement of the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks for the issue or renewal of municipal drinking water licenses under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002. It provides the financial projections that illustrate the sustainability of Oxford's water systems, including operational forecasts, capital investment strategies and debt management. 

Read the 2024 Water Financial Plan


 Connecting Southwestern Ontario (2016-2018)

overview SWOConnecting Southwestern Ontario

Through this commissioned series of four reports and addendum, Oxford County offers an overview of the key issues facing public and freight transportation, freight mobility, and transportation efficiency in southwestern Ontario. The series also puts forward a proposal for a fully integrated transportation solution serving people and businesses in our region. Reports authored by Greg Gormick, On Track Strategies.

 Report 1: New Directions: Advancing Southwestern Ontario’s Public Transportation Opportunities (June 2016)    

Report 2: Empowering Ontario’s Short Line Railways (Feb 2017)      
Report 3: Steel Corridors of Opportunity (June 2018)     
Report 4: SouthwestLynx: Integrated High-Performance Public Transportation for Southwestern Ontario (June 2018)    
Overview: Connecting Southwestern Ontario - Taking the Southwestern regional transportation discussion further (Aug 2018)

 Long-Term Financial Sustainability Plan (2011)

Long-Term Financial Sustainability Plan

The Long-Term Financial Sustainability Plan aligns the organization’s strategic plan with budgetary resources. Strong financial sustainability is the foundation for economic growth, flexibility in service delivery and the ability to meet human and social demands.


Records of key achievements

 Delivering the Vision 2015-2018
 The Delivering the Vision Strategic Plan Progress Report outlines the accomplishments of County Council during the 2015-2018 term.
 Future Oxford Partnership 2018 Progress Report
The Future Oxford Partnership 2018 Progress Report summarizes achievements from a milestone year for building, engaging and inspiring Oxford County communities to create a vibrant, sustainable future.