The following are the categories in which you can nominate a co-worker for:

  • Accountability & Integrity: An employee/department/team that accepts responsibility at all times.  He/she/they are not afraid to admit missteps and consistently resolve issues in an efficient and effective manner. An employee/department/team that operates to the highest ethical standards and is consistently open, honest, and fair.
  • Customer Service: An employee/department/team that displays excellence in internal and/or external customer service, consistently going above and beyond for the internal and/or external customer. 
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI): An employee/department/team that fosters a culture where everyone is welcomed, valued and celebrated.
  • Innovation: An employee/department/team that is consistently solutions-focused and forward-thinking in everyday work and/or larger projects. He/she/they are committed to continuous improvement departmentally and/or corporately. 
  • Leadership: An employee/department/team demonstrating exceptional organizational and/or individual leadership through valued contributions on a departmental and/or corporate project or within a community volunteer capacity.
  • Sustainability: An employee/department/team that makes a conscious and proactive effort to ensure the long-term viability of the County, its environment and everything that makes it a great place to live.
  • Teamwork: An employee/department/team that listens to and values the ideas of others. He/she/they have a demonstrated commitment to coordination, open communication, and knowledge transfer.